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/ 101 OnLy ThE BeSt GaMeS 2 / 101 OnLy ThE BeSt GaMeS #2.iso / bestgam2 / salsim

Jump To: Image (12)  |  Text (17)  |  Other (14)

Images (12)

Text (17)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
aerofst2.dat Text File 51 949b 1994-05-28
autoland.dat Text File 7 266b 1994-05-28
clgefast.dat Text File 101 770b 1994-05-28
gearind.dat Text File 49 864b 1994-05-28
hsi_byte.dat Text File 6,290 35KB 1994-05-28
hsibyte.dat Text File 526 5KB 1994-05-28
initial.dat Text File 8 644b 1994-05-28
ksc33hi.dat Text File 3,414 25KB 1994-05-28
ksc33lo.dat Text File 1,979 14KB 1994-05-28
ksc33ref.dat Text File 2 48b 1994-05-28
nz_gains.dat Text File 6 23b 1994-05-28
plbkarea.dat Text File 4 34b 1994-10-05
readme.txt Text File 181 8KB 1994-05-28
salspath.ini Text File 4 40b 1994-09-14
slccout.dat Text File 2 75b 1994-05-28
sticker.dat Text File 2 77b 1994-05-29
wraptext.dat Text File 12 312b 1994-05-28

Other Files (14)
joycal.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 31KB 1994-05-28
sals_86.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 334KB 1994-05-28
bigprint.dat Unknown 1KB 1994-05-28
orbpanel.dat Unknown 77KB 1994-05-28
resetpts.dat Unknown 2KB 1994-09-14
rwy_lib.dat Unknown 7KB 1994-05-28
smgprint.dat Unknown 1KB 1994-05-28
tapeacc.dat Unknown 2KB 1994-05-28
tapealt.dat Unknown 15KB 1994-05-28
tapeeas2.dat Unknown 3KB 1994-05-28
tapefps.dat Unknown 8KB 1994-05-28
tapehdt.dat Unknown 11KB 1994-05-28
tapemach.dat Unknown 2KB 1994-05-28
windtbls.dat Unknown 2KB 1994-05-28